Today's D.V.D. reference appears in a positive review of Aladdin, and mentions our man's cockney accent in passing as the writer praises a performer. So that's a new wrinkle.
John O'Groat Journal, December 14, 2007, Frills and spills with Wick's young panto stars, by Karen Steven
Steven, something of an old hand amongst so many newcomers, produced one of the best performances with his mix of Dick Van Dyke cockney accent and well-timed physical antics, and he managed to form an almost instant bond with the youngsters in the audience.
For reasons I can't explain, a Scot performing with a broad cockney accent to make children laugh just tickles me. Tee hee!
Time elapsed since premiere of Mary Poppins:
15,813 days.
Time elapsed since someone mentioned D.V.D.'s accent:
8 days
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